BESTIAE ET HOMINES equus et asinus ,leo et lupus ,canis et ovis bestia traduction - BESTIAE ET HOMINES equus et asinus ,leo et lupus ,canis et ovis bestia Anglais comment dire

BESTIAE ET HOMINES equus et asinus

equus et asinus ,leo et lupus ,canis et ovis bestiae sunt.
leo et lupus sunt bestiae ferea ,quae alias bestias capiunt et edunt .
in africa sunt multi leones .
pastores africae leones timent ,namleones non solum oves pastorum edunt ,sed etiam pastores ipsos !non bestia ,sed homo est pastor ;leones autem non solumalias bestas ,sed etiam homines edunt
ferae et homines amici non sunt .
canis amicus hominis est ,ea bestia fera non est
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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
Beasts and of man
a horse and the ass, and the lion and the wolf, the dog, or sheep, they are but beasts.
The lion and the wolf are the beasts of his domestics, who can hold, and eat of the other beasts.
in Africa, many of the lions.
The lions of Africa fear the shepherds, the shepherds, the sheep namleones not only eat, but Moreover, the shepherds themselves! not a beast, but man is a shepherd of lions, however, is not solumalias best, but also the men eat of the
venison and the human friend, they are not.
The dog is a friend of man's life, it is not a wild beast,
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