Equus et asinus, leo et lupus, canis et ovis bestiae sunt. Leo et lupu traduction - Equus et asinus, leo et lupus, canis et ovis bestiae sunt. Leo et lupu Anglais comment dire

Equus et asinus, leo et lupus, cani

Equus et asinus, leo et lupus, canis et ovis bestiae sunt. Leo et lupus sunt bestiae ferae, quae alias bestias capiunt et edunt. In Africa sunt multi leones. Pastores Africae leones timent, nam leones non solum oves pastorum, sed etiam pastores ipsos! Non bestia, sed homo est pastor; leones autem non solum alias bestias, sed homines edunt. Ferae et homines amici non sunt. Canis amicus hominis est, ea bestia fera non est.
Aliae bestiae sunt aves, aliae pisces. Aquila est magna avis fera, quae parvas aves capit et est. Aves in aere volant. Pisces in aqua natant. Homines in terra ambulant. Avis duas alas habet. Homo duos pedes habet. Piscis neque alas neque pedes habet. Avis quae volat alas movet. Homo qui ambulat pedes movet. Piscis qui natat caudam movet. Cum avis volat, alae moventur. Cum homo ambulat, pedes moventur. Cum piscis natat, cauda movetur. Qui ambulat vestigia in terra facit. Qui volat aut natat vestigia non facit.
In horto et in silva multae aves sunt. Canis aves, quae inter arbores volant, aspicit. Canis ipse non volat, nam canis alas non habet. Canis volare non potest. Neque pastor volare potest. Pastor duos pedes habet, itaque pastor ambulare potest. Homines ambulare possunt, quod pedes habent, neque volare possunt, quod alas non habent.
Mercurius autem ut avis volare potest, nam in pedibus et in petaso eius alae sunt. Mercurius non homo, sed deus est. Mercurius est deus mercatorum. (Mercator est homo qui emit et vendit.) Mercurius imperia deorum ad homines portat, is enim nuntius deorum est.
Pisces neque volare neque ambulare possunt.
Pisces in aqua natare possunt. Etiamne homines natare possunt? Alii homines natare possunt, alii non possunt. Marcus et Quintus
natare possunt, Iulia non potest.
Neptunus natare potest; is enim deus maris est. (Oceanus est magnum mare.) Mercurius et Neptunus dei Romani sunt. Romani et Graeci deos multos habent. Homines deos neque videre neque audire possunt. Dei ab hominibus neque videri neque audiri possunt.
Padus magnum flumen est. In eo flumine multi sunt pisces. Pisces in aqua fluminis natant. In fluminibus et in maribus magnus numerus piscium est. Flumina et maria plena sunt piscium. Homines multos pisces capiunt. Nemo pisces fluminum et marium numerare potest. Pisces numerari non possunt.
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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
The horse and the ass, and the lion and the wolf, the dog, and sheep, they are but beasts. The lion and the wolf are the beasts of the wild beasts, which can hold, and eat of the other beasts. In Africa, there are many lions. The Pastors of Africa, lions, fear them, for the lions, and the sheep of the shepherds, not only, but also that they are shepherds! Not a beast, but man is a shepherd; the lions, however, not only other beasts, but men eat themselves. Wild beasts, and men are not friends. The dog is the friend of man, the beasts of the wild beast of the things it is not.
Other animals are the birds, other fish. Eagle is a large bird of the wild beast, and it is what it takes for small birds. Birds fly in the air. Fish in the water swimming. Men walk in the country. The bird has two wings. The man has two feet. The fish has neither feet nor wings. Bird flying wings moves. The man who walks the feet moving. Moves the tail of a fish that swims. When the bird flies, the wings are moved. When a person is walking, the feet move. When the fish swims, its tail is moved. He who walks in the footsteps of the earth, he doeth it. Swims or flies in the footsteps of those who can not do.
In the garden, and there are many birds in the forest. The dog is the birds that fly among the trees, looks at it. The dog is, he is not flying, for a dog, do not have wings. The dog can not fly. Nor shepherd can fly. Pastor of the two feet, has, therefore, a shepherd is able to walk. Human beings are able to walk, that they have feet, they can neither fly, which do not have wings.
Mercury pass, that he is able to fly like a bird, and wear this on the feet, his wings are for. Mercury was not a man, but he is a god. Mercury is the god of merchants. (The merchant is a person who buys and sells.) Mercury carries the commands of the gods to men, it is in fact a messenger of the gods, it is.
The fish they can neither fly nor walk.
And the fish are able to swim in the water. Is even the men can swim? Some of the people are able to swim, others can not. Marcus and Quintus
are able to swim, Julia can not be.
Neptune can swim; is the god of the sea. (The sea, the ocean is a great thing.) Are the Roman god Mercury and Neptune. They have many of the gods of the Greeks and the Romans. For men to see, nor hear, nor the gods can be. They can be seen of men, neither of God, nor to be heard.
is the great river, the Po. Over that river there are many fish. Fish swim in the river water. There is a great number of fish in the rivers, and in the seas. The rivers and seas full of fish. Many people catch fish. No one can count the fish in the rivers and seas. The fish can not be counted.
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