In omnibus rebus singulari fuit industria. Nam et agricola sollers et  traduction - In omnibus rebus singulari fuit industria. Nam et agricola sollers et  Anglais comment dire

In omnibus rebus singulari fuit ind

In omnibus rebus singulari fuit industria. Nam et agricola sollers et peritus iuris consultus et magnus imperator et probabilis orator et cupidissimus litterarum fuit. 2 Quarum studium etsi senior arripuerat, tamen tantum progressum fecit, ut non facile reperiri possit neque de Graecis neque de Italicis rebus, quod ei fuerit incognitum. Ab adulescentia confecit orationes. Senex historias scribere instituit. 3 Earum sunt libri VII. Primus continet res gestas regum populi Romani: secundus et tertius, unde quaeque civitas orta sit Italica; ob quam rem omnes Origines videtur appellasse. In quarto autem bellum Poenicum est primum, in quinto secundum. 4 Atque haec omnia capitulatim sunt dicta. Reliquaque bella pari modo persecutus est usque ad praeturam Servii Galbae, qui diripuit Lusitanos; atque horum bellorum duces non nominavit, sed sine nominibus res notavit. In eisdem exposuit, quae in Italia Hispaniisque aut fierent aut viderentur admiranda. In quibus multa industria et diligentia comparet, nulla doctrina
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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
In all these things, it was a special industry. For indeed he was a tiller of the great emperor who were both lithe and well approved and skilled orator and ambitious of the letters, the right lawyer so he was. 2 Of these, the study, even if the elder had seized, but only the development, so that it can be not easy to find it from the Greeks, nor Italian, nor of things, and this was unknown to him. From his youth he finished prayers. The old man began to write stories. Their books are 7 3. The first contains the exploits of the kings of the Roman people: the second and the third, so that each state shall prepare arose the Italian band; on account of which it seems to have called in a result, all the origins. In the fourth, however, is the first Punic War, in the fifth second. 4 And all these things are told. And pursued them as far as the other wars in the same way to the office of praetor Servius Galba, who plundered; the generals, not of war, and of these he named, but without the names of the things noted. Among such beings, and set before them, or in Italy, or were made or the Hispaniisque seemed to most to be admired. In which there is much industry and diligence, no doctrine
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