Aliud quoque capitulum praesenti legi addendum esse perspeximus. Sanci traduction - Aliud quoque capitulum praesenti legi addendum esse perspeximus. Sanci Anglais comment dire

Aliud quoque capitulum praesenti le

Aliud quoque capitulum praesenti legi addendum esse perspeximus. Sancimus igitur non licere penitus patri vel matri, avo vel aviae, proavo vel proaviae suum filium vel filiam vel ceteros liberos praeterire aut exheredes in suo facere testamento, nec si per quamlibet donationem vel legatum vel fideicommissum vel alium quemcumque modum eis dederint legibus debitam portionem, nisi forsitan probabuntur ingrati et ipsas nominatim ingratitudinis causas parentes suo, inseruerint testamento. Sed quia causas, ex quibus ingrati liberi debeant iudicari, in diversis legibus dispersas et non aperte declaratas invenimus, quarum aliquae nec dignae nobis ad ingratitudinem visae . sunt, aliquae vero cum essent dignae praetermissae sunt, ideo necessarium esse perspeximus eas nominatim praesenti lege comprehendere, ut praeter ipsas nulli liceat ex alia lege ingratitudinis causas opponere nisi quae huius constitutionis serie continentur.
Causas autem iustas ingratitudinis has esse decernimus:
1. Si quis parentibus suis manus intulerit.
2. Si gravem et inhonestam iniuriam eis ingesserit.
3. Si eos in criminalibus causis accusaverit, quae non sunt adversus principem seu rempublicam.
4. Si cum maleficis ut maleficus versatur,
5. vel vitae parentum suorum per venenum aut alio modo insidiari temptaverit.
6. Si novercae suae aut concubinae patris filius sese miscuerit.
7. Si delator contra parentes filius extiterit et per suam delationem gravia eos dispendia fecerit sustinere.
8. Si quemlibet de praedictis parentibus inclusum esse contigerit, et liberi qui possunt ab intestato ad eius successionem venire, petiti ab eo, vel unus ex his in sua cum noluerit fideiussione suscipere vel pro persona vel debito, in quantum esse qui petitur probatur idoneus. Hoc tamen quod de fideiussione censuimus ad masculos tantummodo liberos volumus pertinere.
9. Si convictus fuerit aliquis liberorum, quia prohibuit parentes suos condere testamentum, ut si quidem postea facere potuerint testamentum, sit eis pre tali causa filium exheredandi licentia; si autem in ipsa prohibitione sine testamento aliquis ex parentibus decesserit, et alii sive qui ab intestato ad hereditatem defuncti aut cum ipso filio qui testamentum fieri prohibuit aut post illum vocantur, sive illi quos heredes aut legatarios habere volebat, vel qui laesionem aliquam ex prohibitione testamenti sustinuerunt, hoc ipsum approbaverint, secundum alias leges super hoc positas talia negotia terminentur.
10. Si praeter voluntatem parentum inter arenarios aut mimos sese filius sociaverit et in hac professione permanserit, nisi forsitan etiam parentes eius professionis fuerunt.
11. Si alicui ex praedictis parentibus volenti filiae suae vel nepti maritum dare et dotem secundum vires substantiae suae pre ea praestare illa non consenserit, sed luxuriosam degere vitam elegerit. Si vero usque ad viginti quinque annorum aetatem pervenerit filia et parentes distulerint eam marito copulare, et forsitan ex hoc contigerit in suum corpus eam peccare aut sine consensu parentum marito se, libero tamen, coniungere, hoc ad ingratitudinem filiae nolumus imputari, quia non sua culpa sed parentum id commisisse cognoscitur.
12. Si quis de praedictis parentibus furiosus fuerit, et eius liberi vel quidam ex his aut liberis ei non existentibus alii eius cognati qui ab intestato ad eius hereditatem vocantur obsequium ei et curam competentem non praebuerint, si quidem a tali sanus fuerit infirmitate, erit ei potestas utrum velit neglegentem filium vel filios aut cognatos ingratum vel ingratos in suo scribere testamento. Si autem in furoris morbo eum detentum extraneus aliquis viderit suis neglectum liberis vel cognatis aut aliis ab eo scriptis heredibus et pro misericordia voluerit eum procurare, damus ei licentiam adtestationem eis qui ab intestato vel ex testamento iam facto ad furiosi hereditatem vocantur scriptis dirigere, ut eum procurare festinent. Si autem post huiusmodi adtestationem neglexerint, et extraneus in sua domo furiosum susceptum sumptibus propriis usque ad finem vitae ipsius procurasse monstratus fuerit, eum qui obsequium ,ac diligentiam furioso exhibuit, licet extraneus sit, ad eius successionem pervenire decernimus, evacuata institutione eorum utpote indignorum, qui furioso, sicut diximus, curam praebere neglexerunt, ita tamen ut cetera testamenti capitula in sua maneant firmitate.
13. Si unum de praedictis parentibus in captivitate detineri contigerit et eius liberi sive omnes sive unus non festinaverint eum redimere, si quidem valuerit calamitatem captivitatis evadere, in eius sit potestate, utrum hanc causam ingratitudinis testamento suo velit adscribere; si autem per liberorum neglegentiam vel contemptum non fuerit liberatus et in captivitate decesserit, illos ad successionem eius venire non patimur, qui non festinaverunt eius redemptionem procurare, sed omnibus liberis in hoc neglegentibus res universas ab eodem relictas ecclesiae civitatis ex qua oritur applicari, inventario scilicet sub publica adtestatione celebrando, ne quid ex eius facultatibus pereat, ita ut quicquid exinde ad ecclesiam pervenerit, captivorum redemptioni proficiat. Sed haec quidem quantum ad personas dicta sunt, quas exheredare non licet nisi ingratitudinis causas scribi et approbari contigerit: occasionem autem [a] nobis ad generalem legem promulgandam praesens causa noscitur obtulisse. Sed universaliter iubemus, ut si ille qui in captivitate detentus fuerit liberos non habuerit, et aliis qui ad eius hereditatem vocati sunt eum redimere non festinantibus in captivitate defunctus fuerit, nullus ex his qui neglexerunt ad hereditatem eius perveniat, licet ante captivitatem testamentum forsitan ab eo fuisset conscriptum, in quo memoratas personas scripsit heredes. Sed hic quoque institutione heredum infirmata et ceteris testamenti capitulis in suo robore permanentibus substantiae talium personarum simili modo ecclesiis civitatum ex quibus orti sunt applicentur, et nullis aliis causis quam in captivorum redemptionibus expendantur: ut unde illi a suis non sunt redempti aliorum redemptio procuretur, et ipsorum quoque animae ex hac causa piissima subleventur. Hoc eodem observando et si aliam extraneam personam ante captivitatem scripserit heredem et illa sciens se ab eo heredem scriptam eum redimere a captivitate neglexerit. Hanc autem poenam contra illos valere iubemus qui octavum et decimum aetatis suae annum compleverint. In huiusmodi vero causis, quando pro captivorum redemptione necessarium fuerit dari pecunias, si quis proprias pecunias non habuerit, licentia erit ei, si memoratae sit aetatis, mutuandi pecunias et res mobiles vel immobiles supponendi, sive ipsius propriae sint sive illius qui in captivitate detinetur, quoniam in praedictis omnibus, quae pro captivorum redemptione data vel expensa probabuntur, contractus huiusmodi tamquam a persona suae potestatis et legitimae aetatis factos ita firmos esse decernimus, nullo eis qui cum huiusmodi personis in memoratis causis quo praedictum est modo contraxerunt praeiudicio generando: necessitatem scilicet habente eo qui ex captivitate redierit tales contractus ratos habere et eis tamquam suis debitis obligari.
14. Si quis de praedictis parentibus orthodoxus constitutus senserit suum filium vel liberos non esse catholicae fidei nec in sacrosancta ecclesia communicare, in qua omnes beatissimi patriarchae una conspiratione et concordia fidem rectissimam praedicare et sanctas quattuor synodos, Nicaenam Constantinopolitanam Ephesinam primam et Calchedonensem, amplecti seu recitare noscuntur, ..... licentiam pro hac maxime causa ingratos eos et exheredes in suo scribere testamento. Et hoc quidem pro ingratitudinis causa decrevimus. Generalem autem providentiam liberis catholicis deferentes iubemus, salvis legibus quae iam de aliis haereticis sunt prolatae, et circa Nestorianos et Acephalos haec observari, ut si quando parentes inventi fuerint sive Iudaico Nestorii furori dediti sive Acephalorum amplectentes insaniam et ideo ab ecclesiae catholicae communione separati, non liceat eis alios heredes sibi instituere nisi liberos orthodoxos et ecclesiae catholicae communicantes, vel liberis non existentibus agnatos vel cognatos qui scilicet catholici sint. Quodsi forte ex filiis alii quidem sunt orthodoxi et ecclesiae catholicae communicantes alii vero ab ea separati, omnem parentum substantiam ad filios tantum catholicas pervenire sancimus, licet ultimas voluntates huiusmodi personae fecerint contra tenorem huius nostrae constitutionis aliquid disponentes. Si vero posthac fratres ab ecclesia separati ad eam conversi fuerint, pars eis competens in statu quo inventa fuerit tempore quo redditur eis praebeatur, ut nullam de fructibus aut gubernatione medii temporis inquietudinem vel molestiam catholici patiantur qui ante praedictas res detinebant, quoniam huiusmodi rerum, quas ex fratrum parte non communicantium catholici possidebant, sicut alienationem vetamus ita praeteritorum temporum fructus aut gubernationem nullatenus ab his a quibus detentae sunt exigi vel retractari permittimus. Si autem usque ad finem vitae suae in eodem errore non communicantes permanserint, tunc catholicas fratres vel heredes ipsorum plenissimo iure dominii easdem res possidere decernimus. Quodsi filii quidem omnes perversi et ab ecclesiae catholicae communione alieni inventi fuerint, alii autem propinqui agnati vel cognati religionem catholicam colentes et communicantes esse fuerint approbati, eos liberis haereticis anteponi et eorum hereditati succedere. Si vero liberi et propinqui agnati vel cognati ab orthodoxae religionis communione sint extranei, tunc si quidem schema clericorum parentes eorum habuerint, ad ecclesiam civitatis ubi domicilium habebant res eorum volumus pertinere, ita ut si ecclesiastici intra annale spatium huiusmodi personarum res vindicare neglexerint. earum dominium nostri fisci viribus vindicetur. Si autem laici
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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
It is one thing to be added to the law, too, the present chapter we have looked upon. We ordain, therefore, should not be allowed at all to his father or mother, grandfather or a grandmother, great-grandfather or great-grandmother, or his son or his daughter to pass the rest of the children to do to his disinherited in the Testament, even if it had any kind of a gift or a legacy or a trust or by any other, whatever mode of the portion due to them by the laws, except perhaps proved themselves particularly unpleasant and ungrateful to his parents, will inseruerint. Since, however, the causes of, from which they should be judged, ungrateful children, in the different laws that are dispersed and not openly declared, we found, some of which seemed to him to be ungrateful to us we are not worthy. they are, whereas others, when they are worthy of mentioning them, we have looked upon them by name, therefore it is necessary to comprehend the law of the present, that, except in opposition to the very causes of ingratitude should not fail, on the other, except such as the law of the series of this issue are contained in.
The causes of this just has to be this of ingratitude we declare:
1. If any one that carried on the hands of his parents.
2. There is a serious and what is sinful injure them in exposition.
3. If you to an accusation in criminal cases, which are not against the prince or commonwealth of.
4. If the sorcerer with the magic that is present, after
5. he tried to plot against the life of their ancestors, or by poison, or in another way.
6. If, to his stepmother, his father's concubine or a son to the most powerful.
7. If an informer against his parents and his son has been bearing heavy losses done to support them.
8. If any one of the above happens to be their parents, to be shut up, and to his children who are able to succeed to his estate on intestacy, she asked him, or that he would not in his own, one of them takes up or surety for the person or for a debt, which is claimed to be in so far as is proved in a suitable place. This, however, is only the male children that wish to apply to the surety have decided to overcome.
9. If a man is found guilty of having children, because they refused to let their parents to make a testament, in order that, if they had been able to obtain afterwards a will, with them, the son of the cause of such a pre disinherited by the permission; the prohibition of any one of the parents have died without a testament, if it is contained in the same, or with the inheritance of the deceased, and the other to the ground of intestacy, or he that prohibited the making of the Son who made ​​the will, or are called after him, or his successors, or legatees by those whom he wished to have, or who has hurt himself from the prohibition of the covenant, and were waiting for, the very fact they approved the decision, with a combination of the laws of all this, there, limited to the business of such things.
10. If in addition to the consent of her parents, and between the members in the sand or mimes of this profession as a son, he continue, he is also the parents of him, except, perhaps, the profession of the past.
11. If the parents, that, when any one of the above is to give and to her husband a dowry to his daughter, or to a niece that he did not agree to pay it according to its own substance pre, but choose to spend a life of self-indulgence. If, however, as far as the Greeks had only her and her parents, her husband, the daughter has reached the age of twenty-five-year-old couple, and perhaps he is sinning or of the out of this without the consent of her parents, her husband happens to him into its body, but more freely, to join them, we do not want this to be imputed to the daughter of ingratitude, because it is not their own fault, But parents know that he committed.
12. If any of the above-mentioned has been the parents of an insane person, or some, of these elements or to pour out her and her children did not exist, and others are called to offer him the inheritance of his father-in-and took care of those who are not properly made ​​to the intestacy of much comment, if, indeed, such a sound, it is a weakness, whether it be unto him for the power of the outdoor irresponsible and ungrateful child or children or relatives or unpleasant to write his will. If, however, a man is a stranger, caught him in the fierce look on his disease or neglect their children or other relatives to take care of him, to put him to the writings of his heirs and the mercy shown him, we give him permission to their claim to those who are called by the intestate, or the writings of the will of the inheritance has already been made ​​to the case of madmen to direct, in order to to provide quickly. If, however, after this their claim to have neglected it, and a stranger to their own expense until the end of that which was received in his house of his life to help a crazy is shown to him, that he who performs the service, and the diligence of the furious man in the beginning, even though a stranger to man in order to arrive at by his decree, since it is made ​​void, and the training of those who do not deserve, who is insane, as we have said, take care of to offer made ​​light of it, the rest of the covenant of the chapters in such a way that they remain in their own strength of mind.
13. If you are one of those parents happen to be kept in captivity, and all his children or not, whether one hasting to rescue him, even if he is able to escape the misery of exile in his power, whether he wants to ascribe this will cause ingratitude; but if they be the children of the captivity, and in negligence or contempt has not been delivered by leaving a will, the succession of his to come, we do not allow them to, which is not to provide for the redemption of his haste, but for all this, through the neglect of children in the left of the church of the city from which he springs from the same be applied to all the things, that is, inventory under the witness of the celebration of the republic, and lest any should perish, with money from her, and from there to the church, so that whatever may come, to the redemption of prisoners throughout their generations. But this as far as to the persons mentioned above are to be written and approved, the causes of which to disinherit him of ingratitude, but is not allowed to take place: the opportunity, however, [a] and proclaim the present is the cause is known to us have offered to the general law. But in general, we order that if a person who has been detained in captivity, has no children, and the others who are called to the inheritance of the deceased in his captivity, has been striving to him, may not redeem it, no one of those who made ​​light of it to share in his reach, though it was from him, perhaps, the captivity of the covenant would have been written, in which the aforesaid persons of his estate. But here she was sick, and to the rest of the heirs of the covenant of the part of education of such persons in the same way of the substance of the chapters of documents remain in force will be applied in the churches of the cities from which they were born, and to no other reasons than being weighed out in the redemptions of prisoners, that the redeemed and therefore those of others, have not changed their a redemption is to be procured, and the are helped by on their account also of the soul, from this cause, most gracious. And if the person having to be observed in front of a stranger to the other, according to the captivity of an heir as the heir of the written way, redeem himself from him, but she came back from the captivity knowing that he has neglected to do. And that this is the eighth, and the tenth of his age, the punishment of a year against those who have fulfilled the provisions to be valid. For in such cases, it was necessary to be given in the case of the redemption of prisoners, money, their own money, if a man does not have the right, the permission will be for him, if the above-mentioned an age, for lending his money, and things that are mobile or not moved to place them was either his own, or of those who are in captivity, they are being held back by their own, for in the above-mentioned all the things that have been, or of expenses that will be proved for the redemption of captives, of this contract have become so powerful as to be of lawful age from the person of their desire, and we declare, that might put them to such persons who, when they have contracted in the above mentioned reasons, the infringement of which it is only by generating the above-mentioned: that is, the necessity of having the One who has returned from exile, they have a ratified contract and be bound by them as their due.
14. What has been said by the orthodox parents, their child if any of the children or is not to be thought of the Catholic faith can neither be established in the holy church, to communicate, to the harmony of the faith, in which all of the most blessed in this conspiracy and the patriarchs, the most one to preach, and the four holy synods of Nicea, Constantinople, first of Ephesus, and of Chalcedon, to embrace, or are known to recite ..... license for this cause most unpleasant and disinherited them in his will to write. And this is indeed in favor of a decision of ingratitude. Catholic children, the general providence of bringing provisions to the compliance with the laws which have been already different with other heretics were spoken in, and around the Nestorians and Acephalos these things to be observed, so that if at any time the parents were found in it or not, whether the Jewish of Nestorius, giving themselves up to the rage of the Acephalites is the communion of the Catholic Church as it was madness, and on this account they were separated, it is not they are allowed to communicate with other heirs of the Catholic Church to the Orthodox Church and the institution of a security unless the children, or their children did not exist, that is, catholic they are relatives or relatives. But if for some, indeed, are of the sons of the orthodox and the Catholic Church to communicate with others, and others, have been separated from it, all of the parents to the children of the substance to reach and everybody must be Catholic, although the tenor of this our constitution, the last thing they had done against the will of such persons of things. If, however, it shall be converted to the hereafter, brethren, have been separated from the church, a part of them is competent, in the state where it was found at the time of whom it is repaid to them, be given, by the government of the intervening time is not to have any of the fruit of, or a disturbance or a disturbance in front of the above-mentioned things would have kept the Catholic undergone by anyone who, because of these things, which the Catholics were not communicating on the side of right, just past the fruit or loss vetamus so the government would not allow anybody or get rid of those from whom they were detained. If, however, continue until the end of his life, and not sharing them in the same error, then the catholic brothers and their heirs to take possession of the same things we decree that the fullest possible right of lordship. But if the sons of the stranger will be found there, in fact, all of the froward, and from the communion of the Catholic Church, and to another close to the Catholic religion and worship of his father in law, and the communicants would they have been approved by female or male, located in front of them, and of them the inheritance of the children of heretics to succeed. If, however, are close relatives of or related are the orthodox religion, the communion of the children and they are strange to them, then the schema of the clergy, if they had had their parents, We wish to say to the church, the state where he had his dwelling among their concerns, so that the space of this kind, then, that ecclesiastical persons within the annual claim for the matter would not give heed. , the Lord of our Treasury, by punished. If the laity
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